In 2024 alone we provided Art Therapy and Expressive Art Programs for 217 women and Outreach Education to 380 individals.

Anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are often seen together as co-occurring mental health conditions. PTSD in particular encompasses myriad traumatic symptoms.
We track our therapeutic outcomes using standard measurements of effectiveness in mental health treatment programs: assessment of reduction in symptoms of Anxiety, Depression, and PTSD. Program participants self-assess their symptoms before and after each program. Above are results of reduction in symptoms for our almost 400 participants since 2022 in both our agency and public programs.
Several elements combine for the success of our programs. There is an absolute void of such services to help heal the countless underserved women living in trauma from sexual and physical abuse. For survivors who do not want to talk about their experiences or who have not had success with talk therapy, for women who don’t have therapeutic resources, and for all survivors of trauma the creative expression of artistic therapies allows for a larger range of communication styles. Our creative curricula are research based and have been continually refined through evaluation and experience.
"I am so incredibly grateful for you and what you are doing. Those classes early this fall were really significant for me! Thank you for being a safe place!"
"Art Therapy can transform a person indeed…You change."
"Enjoyed the format and the conversations – a very pleasant surprise and certainly a day brightener."
"I honestly wish that I could continue indefinitely."
"Allowed true self-reflection and a sense of community/sisterhood."
"I had never incorporated colors, visual art with both music and dance. It was very powerful."
"The Usual Artspects classes have helped me let go of locked up emotions."
"Made me think, feel, understand that I’m not alone in the struggle. Very inspiring."
"I would take this class every week if it was offered."
"It was a safe space to explore my feelings. Wonderful to be in this safe space."​
"The class helped me process trauma from an event long ago and buried."